Tuesday 8 March 2016

Happy International Women's Day!

I watch the little Google video and I cry, all these dreams. These dreams we hold inside of us as women. All this dreaming and here we are, women. 

Why does this reality impact me so, why am I led to tears for other women. I have no idea.

I am not a secular feminist, for sure I believe in equality and freedom for all but I believe that God wants us to create a new "new" a new reality, where we believe in the power of the Cross and it's ability to restore every part of us. I believe that we have and continue to be, ushered in to a new place, a new space on earth where the true sons and daughters of God will arise, with power and might. Their position is a soldier but their identity is a child, men and women who will do God's work, God's way. 

I have this place inside of me that beats wildly, to share forgotten stories, to feature women's faces, touch old wrinkled tanned hands and say "sister, mama, daughter, beloved, your story will not be forgotten, because we will not forget it." 
I have this God - space inside of me that cannot be named. A desire to shout the cry against my oppressed sisters pains, and I have the burden of the Cross propelling me to tell them what once was lost can be found in Messiah, in the power and the Love of His eyes. I have this desire to see the world healed, to see it submitted to God's perfect Law and Holy Truth. 

I have this burning yearning to see women rise up, in battle gear just their own, with faces of flint and shields of faith well oiled and ready. I have this crazy desire to see people truly living for Yeshua, ridding themselves of the shackles of the flesh and living a Spirit - Led life that will result in salvation from eternal death.

And I have this Love inside me, Heaven birthed and bought - to tell my precious friends that they are loved. Not only by me but by some One that knows everything about them and just wants to Love crazy on them. 

Women are hidden in spaces around the world, hiding from themselves, torn apart by abuse, pain and unspeakable torture of oppression and depression. I pray today that the Holy Spirit of God will reach in to those unreachable places and whisper His words of Love and Healing in to their broken souls and tell them just how much they mean, not only to Him but to us all. I pray today that the Life of Yeshua, will flood their tired, dry bones and minister His undying Love into that fragmented soul. I pray today for the women of this world, to the feminine face of God that the devil so hates, that you previous beloved soul will rise and rise again, until your light shines forth in to the world and all we see is a recreated soul - shining with the Beauty that Heaven purchased for you, with the price of a Hero's Blood, Yeshua. You are so loved precious one.

I am a contributer over at a wonderful women's Mag in South Africa where I live and this year for Women's Day, I did a cool interview with different women to find out how they defined womanhood for themselves, check it out! 

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